Dwi Ditha Putri
What you have to do, just make it simpler!
Dwi Ditha Putri

Tuesday, October 8, 2024
The Power of Adjectives
Right now, I’m in a high-energy phase—my mind is active, and I want to use this moment to explore thoughts with you. But before we dive in, I’ve been thinking about how powerful adjectives are. They can be both good and bad because adjectives are the words we use to describe everything—whether it’s a person, a thing, or even an idea.
Friday, October 4, 2024
Authentic Energy
When people talk about energy, vibrations, or frequency, it can sometimes sound like pseudoscience. But for me, I see it in a more practical way. Energy is about how people express themselves—their words, their body language, the tone of their voice, their gestures. It's the vibe they give off, and we all can sense it. Behind these expressions are emotions—whether it's happiness, anger, joy, or sadness.
Detachment: Trust, Love, and Letting Go
Right now, I’m watching a video or podcast about how to detach, and honestly, detachment is a total game-changer. I think the key insight is this: it’s great that we get to set our own story. We decide who we truly are. We shouldn’t let others or the things around us define us. Sure, those things can affect us, but they don’t get to define us. It’s about sticking to our priorities and our values, no matter what.
Tuesday, October 1, 2024
Restless Mind, Wandering Soul
I love exploring new places, and part of the reason I do it is to distract myself from thoughts I don’t want to face. Sometimes seeing others with similar struggles brings me some comfort, like I’m not alone in what I’m going through.
Friday, June 28, 2024
Embracing Balance: Using the MBTI as a Tool for Personal Growth
Here is my view on MBTI. Instead of seeing it as personality assessment, I prefer to see it as a tool for our personal growth.
Thursday, March 21, 2024
Hi, it's me! Madam.
Hi, Sayang,
I'm writing this letter fully aware that you may never read it. I've decided to freely express my feelings here instead of overwhelming you with my thoughts.
Saying "I love you" has become exhausting. You probably feel the same hearing it.
Monday, March 11, 2024
Dear Sayang,
I don’t have to express much about how much I love you because it is already very obvious. I love you so much that sometimes I try so hard not to be at this level of love. Our situation is too complex and complicated. I know you care for me, you want me to be safe, but that’s all; we can’t improve our relationship to be more serious. There is also a “third person” whom I assume you already love. I can’t do much about it. Jealousy? Of course, I can’t lie. It causes me pain. But what’s more painful is how I still love you even though I know about this.
Saturday, April 1, 2023
Making Friends
Instead of feeling better, I feel frustrated. I was like, "Why is it so easy for others and hard for me? Making friends is supposed to be a basic skill, and I can't even do it?". I felt I failed at being human because I can't connect to the surroundings.
Monday, March 20, 2023
Wednesday, December 7, 2022
Read this when you're tired
Hi, ditha!
How are you doing?
I know it feels tiring to stay cheerful. Sometimes, you just feel…i don't know. Sucks?
Sunday, December 4, 2022
For a better me
"I deserve a better life"
"I deserve a better life"
That's a mantra I keep telling myself when I feel pain in my chest.
Friday, December 2, 2022
Good Morning
Good morning comes from two words, good and morning. Having a good morning is not hard, actually. I just have to wake up, stretch a little bit, and recall things I love about myself.
Celebrating Little Things
Dear myself,
I know you’re tired. Life shouldn’t be this hard on you. You deserve a better life. You’re smart. You’re knowledgeable. You’re caring. You don't want to hurt others.